Monday, November 30, 2009

School Assembly

On Friday The 6th of November I took assembly with Rahania. First we waited till all twelve classrooms came to the school hall. The first classroom to come (apart from Room 5) was Room 6. Once all the class rooms were quiet we started. First Rahania said ''Good afternoon my name is Rahania, Tena koutou katua''. The first thing we said was ''Joe-Teapot Valley Camp'' Then Joe came up and talked to the school what we did at camp. Then Rahania called Isabella to talk about making our teddies. After that I called Liam + Thomas to show us the slideshow. Finally we got Taylor to tell us about the skits we did at camp. Then we said ''Teachers notices Mr Baldwin'' and a few minutes later we sang to two songs from Mr Phillips. Two minutes later the teachers handed out the certificates. Finally I said ''Teachers may take you back to your classes." The 12 classes went home. When I got home I told Mum and Dad all about taking Assembly.
Written by Luke Hassan.

Friday, November 20, 2009

On Friday Rooms 5 and 6 went to the Nelson Museum to look at the new exhibition on Sound. There was a step on piano, harps and lots of other things, like old and new things that make sound plus the big air cannon . Imo showed us all about loud and soft sound and what happens when you listen to loud sounds like mp3 players , building tools too loud or without earmuffs . It was so interesting. We had morning tea on the Church Steps, it was hot but we had a cool view of the city. Wow , Rooms 5 and 6 had a great time .

Pets Day

Wow, look at all of those animals, they are amazing. Thursday was Pets Day. There was all sorts of cats,heaps of dogs,bunnies and mice. At the start came one little horse and then the big horse. That horse can dance to music and isn't that hilarious. Now lets carry on with the rest of the animals. All of the bunnies were cute and they were all nice and fluffy too. Oh, I almost forgot, there was a dog race and when two of them won their races they got to race each other. Before all of the animals came there was hobbies and collections in the Hall and there were heaps of them.
It was a great day to be at school.
by Harriet

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I was as excited as kids on christmas morning as I raced up the path in my togs. Finally, I was going on the crazy waterslide. When I got to the top of the crumbly concrete path, the water on the slide was warm. As Steve pushed me down I tried steering like he said but I spun out backwards and burnt my pinky then stopped. I grabbed my mat and ran back up. Afterwards I had another go and I spun out and went sideways and then backwards but I didn't stop. I made it down going backwards and splashed into the deep, deep puddle. My togs were soaked. But even though I was going backwards I managed to keep the sides up and my feet on the mat like Steve said at the start.
It took me nine turns to go forwards and when I first went forwards Codey and Anthony were standing too close to the slide and got soaked as I hit the big puddle. When I got back to the top I was freezing and I tried getting a bit warmer but my towel was still wet from swimming in the freezing cold pool. I was s s s s s so cold. I felt like an Antartic penguin. After about two goes nobody else wanted to go again so I got heaps of goes and kept going SPLASH! into the puddle. I was an ice cube. After the nine goes it took me to go forwards, when I went forwards I burnt my elbow on the side but I still went SPLASH! and had so much FUN! Sarah