Friday, October 23, 2009

Baby Thrushes

In the awesome Term Three holidays we found some little baby Thrushes in a wooden pellet beside my tree hut.
They looked like they were only a few days old. There were four baby Thrushes in the little nest. We looked after the Thrushes for nearly two weeks and the Mother Bird helped too, by feeding them when the cage was open. Matthew and I feed them worms. In the middle of the Term Three holidays my dog Jack killed two of the birds because of the lazy mum who made the nest in the pellet beside the tree hut. The two dead birds were buried beside the tree hut. In the second week of the Term Three holidays the two birds that were left started to fly around the place. Me and Matthew always got pooped on quite a lot. On Saturday both birds had escaped from the cage and they were in the big shed , but we only caught one of them as the other one flew away. The brother kept coming back for his brother though.
After school on Monday we let him go. Me and Matthew were very sad to let him go because we had enjoyed having him as a pet. By Thomas Anderson

Monday, October 19, 2009

On the second day in Wellington we were at the pet shop. I said to mum, ''can I get a mouse please?''
Mum replied, ''maybe tomorrow.''
"But I want one today and I will take good care of it and I can look after it when your in the shop," I said. ''
"Ok'' said Mum. I was happy because I got to pick what mouse I wanted. It was black and white. I named it Evie. On the way back we bought two more at Natureland in Nelson. I gave one to Tyrone, my brother. Tyrone named his Woolly and I named mine k\Kia. They are all girls and I brought them to school on Friday to show my class. They enjoyed being in Room 5 for the day. Shania

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Author's Visit

Wow! Dawn McMillan came to our library today. She came to tell us about writing stories. Dawn leaves her story if it is not right and then comes back to it if she thinks she's got the next idea. It takes up to two years to publish her stories. She lives in the Coromandel and she can see Auckland and the beach from her house. Dawn started writing when she was nine years old.
She taught me heaps of things about writing story books. Jessica