Friday, May 27, 2011

Stopping Distance Demonstration

Yesterday we went to the stopping distance demonstration. There was three card board cutouts . The diver who was in the car went at three different speeds, 20km, 50km and 60km. Mr H and Mr Dobbie went in the car. When they went at 20km the diver went 1m after he had stopped the car. I learned that you can't estimate how far the car will go once the diver has put the brake on.
We had a competition between girls and boys, we had a draw. Did you know that if a car brakes while it is going 100km it goes around 120m after you have brake? It was very scary when the driver ran over one of the cardboard cutouts . I learned lots of cool things and I had lots of fun.
By Lucy

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Autumn Time

Autumn is here.
In autumn I can see beautiful leaves tumbling down to the grassy ground.
Some are brown, yellow and red.I can feel the breeze swooping through my hair.
I know everyone can hear the swishy loud trees in Autumn.
I think autumn is the best time of the year.
by Mya

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crunching Autumn

I feel like I'm flying through piles of crunching leaves trailing and bouncing around the muddy grass.
I hear trashed leaves getting kicked around in the air.
I look at kids tearing and squiggling the leaves around the slushy ground.

By Milly

Monday, May 23, 2011

Melting Candle Wax

Heat keeps us warm or we will die. We had to pour 3 lots of candle wax on a metal ruler and dunked it in hot water. The wax lowest to the water started to melt. The heat was being conducted through the metal.
By Mitchell

Heat Conduction

We need heat from the sun because if we didn't all the water will be frozen.
We got a pot of hot water. Then we put a wooden spoon, plastic spoon and metal spoon in the hot water. After that we felt what one was the hottest. We had a handle in case we burnt ourselves.The hottest was the metal one because the metal conducted the heat.
by Ella

Thursday, May 19, 2011


The earth needs heat because the environment would die without it.
We did an experiment and got a big aquariam of freezing cold water.
Then a jar of warm water and put food colouring in it.
We had to put a string around the jar and put it in the aquariam.
The warm water went to the top.
The warm water floated to the top because it was lighter.

by Sophie

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Paperfan Heat Conduction

Earth needs heat rays because it keeps everything alive.
First we cut a circle on a piece of paper then bent the sides and made a little hole in the centre. Next we put some string through the middle. They are meant to spin and twirl. The biggest ones twirled the best and the smallest twirled the worst. When we held them above a lit candle they twirled by heat. The type of movement was convection.

by Zach

Candle Heat

We need heat because life on earth could not live.
Did you know that if you lit a candle and then you shine a very strong torch at it with white cardboard behind it, you can see the heat coming up in wiggly lines.
Those wiggly lines have a little bit of gas in them and the heat is moving by convection.
by Ollie

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Best Mum

5 May 2011

Dear Mum

I like your hugs and kisses. They feel like a fluffy blanket.
Thank you looking after me. I love you.

Love from Ben

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mother's Day

Mum is sweet and kind.
Only you are my mum.
The name of my mum is Jenny.
Hey, you have nice clothes Mum.
Ellie loves you.
Reading cool books is fun.
She loves me.
Does yummy baking with me.
Always cooks meals for me.
You are special to me because you love me.
by Ellie T

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Mum

Mum is the prettiest Mum in the school.
Mum smells like a red rose. Mum is friendly like a pretty swan.
Mum reads stories to me . Mum does cooking with me and Mum lets me
have any ice cream.
Mum is a good cook.
Mum is a lovely Mum because she lets me play with the dogs.
She takes us biking. We go together to the supermarket to get some food.
Mum and Dad love each other and Mum loves me.
Mum is the best Mum, I love you Mum!
by Kayla

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Royal Wedding

On Friday Prince William and Catherine got married at Westminster Abbey in London.
They went in a Royal Carriage with lots of horses beside it when they went back to Buckingham Palace after their wedding.
They had two huge wedding cakes.
By Georgia.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Auckland Tornado Horror

On May 3rd a powerful tornado hit Auckland. One man was killed and 14 people were injured. 27 properties were damaged. Special clouds formed for the tornado to happen.
Some of the Placemakers Building got wiped out by flying cars.Tornadoes rip up things like buildings. It was horrible.
by William.