Thursday, July 14, 2011

Delicous baking

In the last week of Term 2 Room 5 did some baking.
There was group 1, group , group 3, group 4 and we got put into groups of 6. We had at least 45 minutes each. I went in the last group and baked a cupcake and a dinosaur biscuit.
Room 5 decorated them with chocolate and lots of lollies, in the afternoon. Two groups had 6 and one group had 7 and the other one had 5 people. We couldn't have more than two pieces of food. In maths we have been learning about geometry and we had to design our own net and then assemble it into a container to put our baking in.
Our baking was the best baking ever!

By Harrison

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our Amazing Balloon Cars

On the 12 of July Room 5 built balloon cars. We had to decorate a piece of cardboard and sand paper milk bottle tops. Second we had to thread a long squewer through the bottle tops and the we put them through a straw and then we hot glued the straws onto the card board. Next we got a long straw and a balloon and stuck them together then onto the cardboard and we tested to see if the balloon would blow up ... and it worked!
Then the next day we had races in the hall . Lots of people got a lolly pop for a treat for winning all three races.
I think it was pretty cool and so did the WHOLE class.

By Sophie Aldridge

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dark Shadows

Room five went outside in the morning to trace around our long shadows. Our shadows where all different sizes. In the afternoon we traced around our shadows again in coloured chalk. Our shadows had moved.
Mrs Roberts said to find out what our shadows did at night. We all found out different things like they are the same. That next day we wrote a poem about our shadows. Our poems were all so different. We ran around the court to see what our shadows did and we all tried to make them bigger then smaller.
Sophie measured her one she did in the afternoon and it was bigger than the other one from the morning because the sun was higher in the sky.
By Ella

A Furball comes to School

"Mun can you please carry Clydes cage?" "Yes," replied Mum . A few days ago I brought my pet rabbit to school.His name is Clyde and is a Jersywolly. He is a fur ball and is very friendly. When I put him out onto the mat he scampered around and started sniffing people . I had fur all over my jeans which I had to scrape off, it took ages . Clyde snuggled up to me and lay down. I tickled his feet and he shot up. Everybody in Room 5 liked Clyde. I hope I can take Clyde to school again.

By Lucy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No Bullying

Today Room 5 went to watch a show all about bullying. Most of the things that Elgregoe and Sue did was magic. It looked so awesome because there were 2 Parrots and there was a pot that had water in it and when every time Elgregoe tips the water in a bucket we had to say, "caring and helping others."
There was also people that got prizes and 3 people in Room 5 got prizes such as frizbees and bookmarks as well. There was also 6 boxes that had words on each box. They said Respect, Acceptance, Fairness, Trustworthy, Encourage, Caring and that's what we want at Brightwater School. Then at the end all of the people that got prizes had to stand up. It was a real cool show and it taught us to think of the word WITS when we are being bullied. The letters stand for, Walk away, Ignore, Talk to a teacher, and Say Stop!.
by fenixs